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Finding a New Doctor in Canada

Home / Finding a New Doctor in Canada
Here are a few links and phone numbers to help you find a new physician in Canada:


Find a Physician: http://search.cpsa.ca/physiciansearch

Local search: www.albertahealthservices.ca/info/Page13253.aspx

Alberta Health Link: Dial 811

British Columbia

Find a Physician: https://bccfp.bc.ca/for-the-public/find-a-family-doctor/

For Deaf or Hard of Hearing:  https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/services-and-resources/about-8-1-1

HealthLink BC: Dial 811 or 1-604-215-8110


Family Doctor Finder: www.gov.mb.ca/health/familydoctorfinder/

Patients may register by phone: 1-866-690-8260

New Brunswick

Patient Connect NB: www.gnb.ca/patientconnectNB

Register by phone by calling Tele-Care: Dial 811

Newfoundland & Labrador

Physician Search: https://findadoctornl.ca/

HealthLine: Dial 811 or 1-888-709-2929

Northwest Territories

Find a New Doctor:  https://www.ratemds.com/best-doctors/nt/

Nova Scotia

Physician Search: https://needafamilypractice.nshealth.ca/

Dept. Health & Wellness: http://novascotia.ca/dhw/physicians

Dept. of H&W: Dial 1-902-424-3047

Nova Scotia Telecare: Dial 811

Central Zone NS: www.cdha.nshealth.ca/www.findafamilypractice or call: 1-855-444-4415

Walk-in Clinics: www.doctorsns.com/en/home/yourhealth/walk-in-clinics.aspx


Department of Health: http://gov.nu.ca/health/information/health-centres


Register for Health Care Connect Program:

Sign up with Health Care Connect representative: 1-800-445-1822

Government of Ontario Find a family doctor or nurse practitioner: https://www.ontario.ca/page/find-family-doctor-or-nurse-practitioner

How to change family health care providers in Ontario:
If you would like to use Health Care Connect to change to a new family health care provider, you must first take yourself off the patient list of your current family health care provider. There are two ways to do this: contact your family health care provider directly or call ServiceOntario – 1-888-218-9929.

Prince Edward Island

Health PEI: http://www.healthpei.ca/patientregistry

Call to register: 1-855-563-2101


Collège des médecins du Québec – Access to a Physician:

Waiting List Register to Access a Family Doctor: http://sante.gouv.qc.ca/en/programmes-et-mesures-daide/guichet-dacces-pour-la-clientele-sans-medecin-de-famille/

Referrals via Info-Santé: Dial 811


Gov. of Saskatchewan — Accessing Health Care Services: www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/health/accessing-health-care-services/find-a-family-doctor-in-your-community

Saskatchewan HealthLine: Dial 811


Find a doctor: https://ihs.gov.yk.ca/find-a-family-doctor/f?p=100:1::::::

Yukon Medical Council: www.yukonmedicalcouncil.ca/find_doctor.html