Moving to EMR?
RSRS scans your paper records.
Imaging your patient records and maintaining them in electronic form is an integral part of moving into the new age of healthcare.
At RSRS, we have developed a comprehensive medical record scanning solution to get you on your way to a paperless practice. RSRS provides both paper and electronic storage & retrieval solutions. Whether you’re moving to EMR, or simply trying to clear out the paper clutter, RSRS can scan your paper records and give you accessibility in ways you’ve never experienced before. Not only can you find a record by patient name; you can find test results from years ago; and you can find a single reference to a single typewritten word contained “somewhere” in the record.
Conversion of paper files is a large, time-consuming task requiring specialized skills and impeccable organization.
RSRS runs a full scanning bureau, with full time staff running RSRS’ own equipment for digital imaging conversions. All backup documents are securely retained in our “vault” for immediate disaster recovery. RSRS assures minimal disruption to daily work flow and activities.
For a free consultation, contact an RSRS medical scanning expert at 1‑888‑563‑3732, Ext 2 or email
In this letter of reference for RSRS, Dr. Marla Shapiro describes the challenges faced by medical practices looking to scan paper files and the solution to her scanning problems: